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Selectmen Minutes 06/16/2015

Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Members Present:  Richard DeBold, Michael Paveglio, Jeff Jordan, Town Administrator Jodi Pinard

Others Present: Road Agent Jim Plunkett, Donna Chagnon, Lucille Noel, Ann Davis, and other members of the public

Call to Order:  Mr. DeBold called the meeting to order at 6:30pm

Alex Colbert – Bear Hill Road
David Colbert came in the absence of his son Alex to explain what was going to happen regarding the installation of a conduit under Bear Hill Road for the purpose of underground utilities.

Jim Plunkett stated that I sent Alex a listing of questions about what exactly was going to happen and I have received the responses. The questions were answered about how it was going to proceed.

Mr. DeBold stated that there were some concerns stated at a previous meeting regarding traffic control. The only thing that I have thought about today was the issue of insurance. We require insurance for anyone doing work on Town property. I am concerned about the liability issue. I feel that we should require Alex to have insurance or a bond. This is my only concern.

Mr. Paveglio stated that when TDS had done work in the roadway they hired a contractor. The contractor had the insurance. When I did work on my property my insurance company gave me a rider.

Mr. Colbert stated that we will have to make a call to the insurance company. I am sure we can have that taken care.

Mr. Paveglio stated that I am sure that he will be able to get a rider for the work that is going to be completed.

Mr. DeBold stated that if we can get some type of assurance that it will be covered by insurance I see no issue with proceeding. I would like to have the insurance rider prior to the start of work.

Mr. Colbert stated that we should be able to provide that. Regarding the patching of the roadway we were thinking on letting the traffic compact the area for a few weeks and then pave it.

Mr. Plunkett stated that was fine.

A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to grant the permission to Alex Colbert to install underground utilities on Bear Hill Road contingent upon the Town receiving the insurance rider. Motion Passes

General Business/Board Discussion:
A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to accept the Assessor’s recommendation on the following abatements:
Map 8 Lot 39 abate the amount of $63,400 in assessed value
Motion Passes

Spreader Hanger
Mrs. Pinard informed the Board Stantec is working on the design.

Barn Easement
Mr. DeBold stated that since we have held the Public Hearing I believe we need to come up with a timeline.

Mr. Paveglio stated that we need to start off looking at the barn and rate it according to the rubric.

Mrs. Noel offered to have a Historical Society representative there when they view the barn.

Consensus of the Board was to return on July 7 with completed rubrics.

Mr. DeBold stated that we do not have a range as to what percentage would be given. We need to establish a range as well.

Planning Board
A motion was made by Mr. Jordan and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to appoint Craig McIntosh to fill the vacant Alternate Planning Board position until 2017.

Mr. DeBold stated that my vote would be for Ann Davis. I think we need to bring in some women to serve on Town Boards. I believe this would be an opportunity to do so.

Motion Passes 2-1 (DeBold Nay)

Public Input:
Lucille Noel stated that she had met with Pastor Dave and they are more than willing to keep that agreement in place with us using the front parking lot. He is very interested in pursuing the street light at that driveway. We do not have many options for parking.

Craig McIntosh stated that I have a question for Lucille “Have you guys offered to assist others who have applied for the Barn Easements?”

Lucille Noel stated that yes we will assist those that ask us for assistance.

Non-Public Session
A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to enter into non-public session under 91-A:3(b) The hiring of any person as a public employee. DeBold Aye, Paveglio Aye, Jordan Aye. Motion Passes
A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to exit non-public session under 91-A:3(b). DeBold Aye, Paveglio Aye, Jordan Aye. Motion Passes

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to seal the minutes indefinitely. DeBold Aye, Paveglio Aye, Jordan Aye. Motion Passes

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to adjourn the meeting at 7:34pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,
                                                        Not approved until signed
Jodi Pinard, Town Administrator

Richard DeBold                                           D. Michael Paveglio                                                  Jeffrey Jordan